

Nutritional Supplement – Omega 3, 6, 9 | Zinc | Potassium | Magnesium




Nutritional Supplement – Omega 3, 6, 9 | Zinc | Potassium | Magnesium


Introducing Kanabi by Korebi Coffee Roasters, India’s first Hemp Seed Oil Coffee.
Kanabi is crafted from 100% Arabica beans sourced from a single origin. Our unique infusion process incorporates hemp in the early stages of roasting to deliver a distinctive nutty flavor.
Made in collaboration with korebi.coffee.

Why hemp seed oil?

Hemp is a rich source of nutrients, including protein, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, fiber, and other beneficial compounds that offer a range of health benefits such as reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and promoting overall well-being.

Combining hemp and coffee offers a unique set of benefits. Hemp seed oil natural properties help counteract some of the negative side effects of caffeine, such as jitters or anxiety, while coffee may enhance alertness and focus. Moreover, the blend of hemp and coffee provides a more sustained and balanced energy boost compared to coffee alone.

Cannarma Hemp seed oil is a great source of high nutritional value of Omega 3-6-9 and from a Nutritional point of view, oil from the seeds of hemp plants is a high Nutritional value and contains Omega 6 & 3 in 3:1 that is very important for Human Health because our body can absorb more quickly and effectively when Omega 6 & 3 are in a balanced ratio of 3:1 and provides essential organic nutrition that cannot be sourced from anywhere in our ecosystem.

As a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, Cannarma Hemp Seed Oil contains 104% more than Omega-3 Fish oil and 460% more than whole fish.

Hemp Seed Oil also contain Magnesium, Iron, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Cholesterol-fighting Phytosterols, 9 Essential Amino Acids

Naturally grown in India, Cannarma Hemp Seed Oil is cold-pressed and carefully extracted from Natural Hemp seeds. It is a great source of high in Omega 3-6-9



100% Arabica Roasted Beans, Hemp seed oil

Pack Size: 250 GM



Store in a cool, dark place after opening
Store in cool, dry conditions and avoid direct sunlight



PRODUCER : Korebi In-House
REGION: Mudigere


Boost Your Productivity with Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee

In the fast-paced world, we live in, productivity is paramount. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or an entrepreneur, finding ways to enhance your productivity is essential. Introducing a natural and innovative solution: Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee. This unique blend combines the goodness of premium coffee with the benefits of hemp seed oil, offering you a holistic approach to boosting your productivity.

If you’re looking for the perfect productivity-enhancing solution, look no further than Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee. This unique blend combines the goodness of hemp seed oil with the refreshing taste of coffee, giving you the ultimate boost you need to tackle your day head-on.

 1. The Energizing Power of Coffee:

Coffee is often celebrated for its ability to provide an instant energy boost. The caffeine it contains stimulates the release of adrenaline, which increases alertness and focus. With Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee in India, you can enjoy the revitalizing effects of coffee while keeping your productivity levels at an all-time high.

2. Unleash the Omega-3 Power:

Hemp seed oil, a key ingredient in Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee, boasts an impressive array of health benefits. Hemp seed oil is wealthy in omega-3 fatty acids essential for brain health and function. By incorporating omega-3s into your routine, you enhance cognitive abilities, improve memory retention, and enhance overall mental clarity. Adding Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee to your workday can significantly improve productivity.

3. Balancing the Mind and Body:

One of the primary reasons people struggle to stay productive is mental fatigue and burnout. This is where Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee truly shines. Its unique combination of coffee and hemp seed oil helps balance mental alertness and relaxation, reducing stress levels and promoting a calm state of mind. By staying centered and composed throughout the day, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and maintain a steady flow of productivity.

4. The Antioxidant Powerhouse:

Online Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee provides an additional advantage through its exceptional antioxidant properties. Hemp seed oil contains antioxidants that help combat free radicals, reducing inflammation and promoting overall well-being. Incorporating this potent coffee into your routine enhances your body’s ability to fight off oxidative stress, ultimately boosting productivity by ensuring both mental and physical health remain in top condition.

Understanding Productivity Enhancement

Productivity isn’t just about checking off tasks on a to-do list. It’s about feeling energized, focused, and capable of handling whatever comes your way. Factors like mental clarity, sustained energy, and enhanced focus play a significant role in achieving optimal productivity. This is where Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee in India steps in.

The Role of Coffee in Productivity

Coffee has long been a trusted companion for those seeking a productivity boost. Its caffeine content stimulates alertness, concentration, and energy levels. However, traditional coffee often has drawbacks such as jitters and energy crashes.
Exploring the Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is renowned for its nutritional value. It offers a range of health benefits, packed with omega fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. From supporting brain health, promoting mental well-being, and reducing inflammation, hemp seed oil is a natural powerhouse. When infused into coffee, it creates a potent blend that boosts your energy and enhances cognitive function.

Enter Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee online, a game-changer in productivity-enhancing beverages. The Kanabi brand is dedicated to providing natural wellness solutions, and their Hemp Seed Oil Coffee is no exception. By infusing the power of hemp seed oil into premium coffee beans, they’ve created a beverage that harmoniously combines the benefits of both ingredients.

The unique blend of coffee and hemp seed oil in Kanabi Hemp Seed coffee in India offers several advantages:

1. Enhanced Mental Clarity and Focus: 

You combine caffeine from coffee and nutrients from hemp seed oil to work synergistically to sharpen your focus and mental clarity.

2. Sustained Energy: 

Unlike regular coffee that can lead to energy crashes, Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee provides sustained energy throughout your day.

3. Reduced Jitters and Anxiety: 

Hemp seed oil’s calming properties can help counteract the jitters and anxiety that sometimes accompany coffee consumption.

4. Scientific Evidence and Research

Numerous studies have explored the cognitive benefits of both coffee and hemp seed oil. These studies support the potential of Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee as a natural productivity enhancer.

Incorporating Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee into Your Routine

Brewing and enjoying Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee is simple. Just follow the brewing instructions on the packaging and make it a part of your daily routine. Consider enjoying a cup in the morning or during that afternoon slump for maximum benefits.

Potential Considerations and Precautions

While Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee is a natural product, consulting with a healthcare professional is a good idea, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or sensitivities.

Customer Experiences

Real-life success stories from individuals who have integrated best Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee into their routines speak volumes about its effectiveness. People have reported increased focus, sustained energy, and a more balanced feeling throughout the day.

Availability and Ordering

You can easily Buy Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee online, making it convenient to experience the benefits of this unique blend. Visit the Kanabi website to explore different flavors and variations that suit your taste.


Natural solutions often outshine their synthetic counterparts when it comes to productivity enhancement. Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee offers a refreshing and effective way to boost your productivity while promoting overall well-being. With a blend of premium coffee and nutrient-rich hemp seed oil, this innovative beverage is poised to become your new secret weapon for achieving more while staying balanced and energized. Embrace the power of Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee and make every day productive.

When optimizing productivity, looking for natural and effective solutions is essential. Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee presents an innovative approach to enhancing productivity while supporting overall well-being. By harnessing the revitalizing power of coffee and the health benefits of hemp seed oil, this unique blend offers the support you need to unlock your full potential. Don’t settle for an average workday – elevate it with Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee and embrace the productive superstar you know you can.


Q: How does Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee boost my productivity?

A: Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee is infused with hemp seed oil containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These nutrients help improve brain function, focus, and memory, ultimately boosting productivity.

Q: Is Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee safe to consume?

A: Yes, Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee is safe to drink. It is made with all-natural ingredients and contains no psychoactive substances like THC. It is a non-addictive, caffeine-based product.

Q: Will Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee make me feel high or drowsy?

A: No, Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee does not contain THC, which produces the “high” effect associated with cannabis. Instead, it provides a gentle energy boost without causing drowsiness.

Q: Can I drink Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee every day?

A: Yes, you can consume Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee daily. It is designed to be part of your routine to promote sustained energy and productivity throughout the day.

Q: Do Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee have any side effects?

A: Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee is generally well-tolerated by most people. However, individual reactions may vary. If you experience any adverse effects, you should stop consuming the product and consult with a healthcare professional.

Q: Is Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

A: Absolutely! Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee is 100% plant-based, making it suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Q: Does Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee have a strong hemp flavor?

A: No, Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee has a rich and aromatic coffee flavor with a subtle hint of hemp. It is designed to provide a delightful and balanced taste experience.

Q: Can I add milk or sweeteners to Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee?

A: Yes, you can customize your Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee by adding milk, creamer, sweeteners, or any other preferred additives. It can be enjoyed just like regular coffee.

Q: Is Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee sustainably sourced?

A: Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee is made with sustainably sourced hemp seed oil and premium coffee beans. The production process follows ethical and environmentally friendly practices.

Q: Can I substitute Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee for my regular coffee?

A: Absolutely! Kanabi Hemp Seed Oil Coffee can be used as a substitute for your regular coffee. It offers additional benefits with the infusion of hemp seed oil, promoting mental clarity and productivity. 

Additional information
Weight 0.250 lbs
Dimensions 4.7 × 3.9 × 7.4 in

Areo Press, Channi, Cold Brew, Espresso, French Press, Moka Pot, Pour Over, South Indian Filter, Whole Beans


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