CBD Oil, Blog, Hemp Seed Oil, Medical Cannabis, Medicinal Cannabis

“Overdose of anything even love can become poison”

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, extracted from the cannabis plant, is a popular natural supplement. It is used to treat a wide range of medical ailments, including anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness. However, one of the most often asked questions is how much CBD oil one should consume.
The answer to this is not straightforward, for the reason that the proper amount of Full spectrum CBD Oil depends on the individual and their personal needs. The optimal dosage is determined by factors such as body weight, metabolism, and the severity of the ailment being treated.
One basic rule of thumb is to begin with a low dose and gradually increase until the desired results are obtained. A normal beginning dosage for someone new to CBD oil is 1-2mg of CBD per 4.5kg of body weight.
Another option is to “start low, go slow,” which entails starting with a low dosage and gradually increasing it over time until the desired results are reached. This means starting at a dose of 10mg and slowly titrating up as needed by increasing the dose in 5mg increments every 2 to 3 days.
It is normally advisable to begin with a modest amount of Full spectrum CBD oil, such as 5-10mg, and gradually raise the dosage over. Here are some things that must be kept in mind before using CBD oil:

It is crucial to remember that Full spectrum CBD oil can have various effects on different people, so pay attention to how your body reacts to the oil. .
It is also crucial to know that CBD oil might interact with some medicines, so before beginning to use CBD oil, consult with a healthcare expert.
It is also vital to examine the mode of ingestion when it comes to dosage. Full spectrum CBD oil is available in a variety of formats, including sublingual tinctures, capsules, sweets, and topicals. Each form of ingestion has its own set of advantages, and the recommended dosage varies according to the method.
In general, it is recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it over time until the desired effects are achieved.
To treat severe pain, for example, you may begin with 40 mg. On days when you are in a lot of discomfort, you can take 40 mg. After a week, it is increased to 45 mg, and after another week, it is increased to 50 mg. You may feel that your discomfort is tolerable at this stage.
An overdose of Full spectrum CBD oil can lead to a number of negative effects, some of which can be very severe. Drowsiness, diarrhoea, and appetite changes are some of the possible adverse effects. An overdose can also induce more serious symptoms such as confusion, hallucinations, and aberrant behaviour in rare situations. If the CBD oil is taken with other substances or if the individual has a pre-existing medical condition, these effects may be more probable.
Dry mouth is another typical symptom of CBD oil overdose. This happens because CBD can decrease saliva production, resulting in a dry or parched mouth. This might also result in trouble swallowing and a thirst.
Changes in appetite may also occur as a result of a Full spectrum CBD oil overdose. Some people may notice an increase in their appetite, while others may notice a reduction. These alterations are likely to be transient and will disappear after the effects of the overdose have worn off. It is important to use caution when taking any medication or supplement, and to follow the recommended dosage instructions. If you suspect that you have overdosed on CBD oil, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.


Indian CBD oil is a natural and popular alternative for many health conditions and is generally safe for consumption. However, just like every other thing, overdose of CBD oil can have hazardous impact on one’s health, especially if one haves a pre-existing medical condition. The consumption of CBD oil may differ depending on the person’s needs. Normally, it is recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase the dosage while examining the mode of dosage. It is also recommended to consult with a healthcare expert if using along with a medicine.