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Hemp Seed Oil Acai Bowl

It is a delicious, healthy way to start any day, and can also be enjoyed as a guilt-free dessert. This Hemp Seed Oil breakfast treat is packed with vitamins, nutrients, and a healthy dose of vegetarian protein. Choose an energizing sativa strain or your favourite Hemp Oil variety if you plan to consume this treat in the morning, and a relaxing indica strain if you prefer to consume it at night.


Hemp Seed Oil, banana, canna honey, berries, ice and almond milk in a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth.

Pour mixture into a bowl and garnish with desired toppings.


2 packs frozen, unsweetened acai

1 banana

1/2 cup frozen berries

1/3 cup almond milk

1 spoon hemp seed oil

Toppings (to taste):

Coconut flakes


Hemp hearts

Chopped, fresh fruit or berries

Lemon zest